Racing Rules

(1) Rules

Racing will be governed by the RACING RULES OF SAILING (RRS) issued by the International sailing Federation, the prescriptions of the ROYAL YACHTING ASSOCIATION, these SAILING INSTRUCTIONS and any other applicable rules.
(2) Eligibility

(a) All LPYC yachts (Skippered by an LPYC member) are eligible for club races. Challenge races allows participation by a yacht skippered by a member of the challenged club.
Notwithstanding the above, any yacht skippered by a member any other yacht club may take part in the LPYC Races and will be eligible to win a trophy for visiting yachts.

(b) Skippers considering taking part in any club race/ event should communicate their interest to OOD in advance of the event. This will assist the OOD in establishing the numbers likely to take part and aid notification of any changes in instructions and/ or changes to the race timing or cancellation.
(3) Race Times

Details of race start times and type of race are published in the Llanbedr and Pensarn Yacht Club programme, issued as a separate document. (handbook)
(4) Course to be sailed

Details of courses to be sailed and marks to be used are set by the Officer of the Day (OOD) The course to be sailed will be announced on VHF radio approximately 15 minutes before the scheduled start using channel 10
(5) Adverse Weather

(a) The OOD�s duties include reviewing weather forecasts in advance of any race/ event taking place.

(b) Racing will not take place if strong winds are forecast (force 6 and above) The OOD should take guidance from the following website sources:- Inshore water forecast (BBC or Met Office), Local Harlech forecast BBC weather, Local Porthmadog forecast Met Office (this gives a table and map of local wind strengths and gust speeds).

(c) In the event of a cancellation the OOD should inform those competitors, who have expressed interest in the event, of the decision by phone, text or e-mail on the evening prior to the event.
(6) Safety

(a) The safety of a boat and her entire management including insurance shall be the sole responsibility of the owner/person in charge who must ensure that the boat and crew are adequate to face the conditions that may arise in the course of the race.

(b) Neither these sailing instructions nor any inspection of the boat limits the absolute responsibility of the owner/person in charge for the crew, the boat and her management.

(c) The race organisers shall not be responsible for any loss, damage, death or personal injury howsoever caused to the owner/person in charge or crew or to the craft, as a result of their taking part in races. Moreover every owner/person in charge warrants the suitability of the boat for the races and accepts full responsibility for the seaworthiness and safe navigation of the boat, the competence of the crew, judging whether to start continue or retire from the race, ensuring that all safety equipment is properly maintained, stowed and in date and that the crew know where it is kept and how it is to be used and that the crew know of these conditions.

(d) Each boat shall hold Third Party indemnity insurance of at least �2million, which must include racing.

(e) CRUISERS : A VHF Transceiver must be carried.

(f) Autohelms of any description may be used whilst racing.
(7) Single Handed Sailing

(a) Single handed sailing is permitted

(b) A life jacket must be worn at all times.

(8) Spinnaker and Cruising Chute.

The RYA�s new National Cruiser Handicap system makes no allowance for changes to base trim.
(9) Motoring

(a)Yachts under power prior to the start as a result of delays in the moorings or channel may remain under power after her preparatory signal provided that after stopping her engine, she carries out two full 360� turns (720�) on the pre start side of the starting line and after the starting signal.

(b) She shall keep clear of all other boats until she has completed her turns and started
(10) Start / Finish Line

(a) The start line is a transit line between a flag pole on the clubhouse and the outer distance mark.

(b) An inner distance mark may also be laid. They are tide and wind borne and may not be on transit.

(c) At the start and finish of each lap yachts must pass between the outer distance marks and the flagpole on the clubhouse.
(11) OOD

(a) On occasions the OOD will be competing in the race, on these occasions Flag signals will probably not be flown.

(b) The OOD will use VHF to implement the starting sequence, also whenever possible to make sound signals, and also has the responsibility of recalling yachts with premature starts via VHF Ch 10.
(12) Starting Signals

For certain races a committee boat start may be used, in which case flag signals and / or VHF may be used from the committee boat. Separate instructions will be issued for such a race.

(a) Warning signal (10 minutes to start) : One Flag

Preparatory signal (5minutes to start) : Two Flags

1 Minute to start : One Flag lowered

Start : All Flags lowered(b) Recall

One FLAG raised after the start indicates that one or more yachts were over the line. The flag will remain raised until the offended yacht(s) have returned over the line, or for 5 minutes, whichever is sooner. When possible the offending yacht(s) will be notified by VHF. An �all clear� VHF message may also be broadcast(c) General recall

A general recall will be indicated by TWO Flags All yachts in the recalled start must restart.

The restart will be 10 minutes after the aborted start. (d) Postponement

Postponement will be indicated by Two Flags

The restart will be 10 minutes after the scheduled start or at a time to be specified by the OOD. The new start time will be broadcast by the OOD on the appropriate VHF channel. ie Channel 10(e) Shortened Course

Shortened course will be indicated by two flags displayed as the leading yacht approaches the last mark before new finish. Courses may be altered as well as shortened. Shortened courses will be indicated as above. Course alterations will be notified by the duty officer on the appropriate VHF channel. The duty officer will ensure that all yachts in the race are aware of the course alteration.(f) Finishing signal

As each yacht finishes a sound signal will be made (were possible)
(13) VHF Radio

VHF Ch 10 will be used.

The race officer will broadcast the following information by VHF radio: –

The Course to be sailed approximately 15 minutes before the start.

The race officer may broadcast the following information: –

1) Countdown to 10minute, 5 minute, 1 minute, start.

2) Shortened Course information.

3) Recall or General Recall.

4) Postponement.
(14) Notification of Intention To Race

Each boat must inform the duty officer by VHF channel 10 of their intention to race. Radio communication must take place prior to the commencement of the start sequence. Any boat not informing the duty officer of their intention to race may not be recorded as starting or finishing the race.
(15) Time Limits

If a race consists of more than one lap the OOD will notify all yachts of the time limit for the first lap. If the last boat in the race fleet has not rounded the last mark of the lap within that time the race will be shortened to that lap. Yachts should note their time when rounding the last mark of the lap in order that results can be calculated in the event of a shortened course.

(16) Retirements.

Any yacht retiring before or after finishing must inform the OOD on the relevant VHF channel as soon as possible.

(17) Declarations

Written declarations shall not be required. In crossing the finish line, the yacht declares herself to have sailed the course fairly and in accordance with the rules. Skippers who cannot so declare should wear an ensign.

(18) Penalties

(a) If a yacht contravenes a rule of part 2 (RRS) while racing she may exonerate herself by taking a 720� turns penalty in accordance with RRS 44

(b) If a yacht touches a mark (RRS 31) she must take a 360� turn penalty in accordance with RRS 44.

(19) Pursuit Races

(a) Start time for each boat will be calculated using RYA NCH ratings, for a 100 minute pursuit race. A list will be published. The course to be sailed will be announced in the normal way. Each boat will start at the start time as listed. Skippers are responsible for setting their watches by satellite clock and starting at the correct time. They will sail the course until the specified race finishing time has been reached.

(b) At the end of the race each boat will note her position in the fleet and this will be the result. If there is any doubt as to the order of finishing then the committee may determine that order of rounding the last mark prior to the finish will be the result.

(c) The OOD will also announce the end of the race.

The race officer may use the race station (Clubhouse or Committee Boat) or may start the race from a competing boat.

(d) Each boat will ensure that she does not cross the start line to start, ahead of the appointed start time and will ensure that her finishing position is noted.

(20) Protests

(a) Protests shall be made in accordance with RRS 61. A yacht intending to protest shall inform the other boat at the first reasonable opportunity. When her protest concerns an incident in the racing area that she is involved in or seesshe shall hail �protest� and conspicuously display a red flag at the first reasonable opportunity for each.

(b) In addition yachts intending to protest must inform the OOD on the relevant VHF channel (unless dismasted).

(c) Protest forms must be handed to the Officer Of The Day within 60 minutes of the last yacht finishing.

This notification of the OOD in no way removes the onus on the protesting yacht to fully comply with the protest requirements of the RRS.
(21) Scoring System

(a) Races will be scored in accordance with Appendix A of the Racing Rules Of Sailing (Current Edition) using the low point system.

(b) The number of races to count in a series will be the nearest whole number above half the number of races in the series.
(22) Amendments

Amendments to these sailing instructions will be announced on the relevant VHF channel

(22) Alteration

Alteration to these Rules may be made and published by the LPYC Sailing Captain following a Club Committee meeting when such alteration has been discussed and approved.


Rear Commodore

October 2013